fredag 12 augusti 2011

Story of this summer: ship to Gotland

For those who live in such countries on the northern side of hemisphere, summer is absolutely the best time of the year. Unfortunately the summer here is comes very short. Only about 3 months, the rest is dominated by cold weather. My summer holiday was really a fun summer for me. Busy every day, made me lazy to write. But this week days in the school begins. Yeah, I think it's time to start writing about the last summer holiday. I plan to write one by one every day.
This time I am sitting on the sofa, trying to remember our journey to an island south of Stockholm, Gotland. We spent about one week in Gotland. Mamma has always longed to be there on summer. We planned to stay at a little cottage belong to Pappa’s friend. 11’th July, from Stockholm we took train to the port and we continued with the ship straight towards Gotland.
It was a big ship, where I could play and watch film. Journey took about 4 hours. Time was very late, summer on the middle of the night we run to the deck, standing there, watching the moon under drizzling rain.


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