måndag 30 januari 2012

one day with mamma

I have been with Mamma all day. We went to the bank, to her university and played in McDonald’s. Little bit cooler outside as compare as last week, I don’t know whether I can play more with the snow this week because , I've felt the cold symptoms in my head.

söndag 29 januari 2012

onsdag 25 januari 2012


Snow!!!, finally we got a really winter. Thought that spring will come soon because winter this time it is not too cold. But now snow has come, so it’s time to make snow angels and go sliding!

tisdag 24 januari 2012


I am happy with my Dagis, I have many good friends. These are some of them: Anna, Alva and Diana.

lördag 21 januari 2012

lumus optical

glasses that lets the wearer view video content from the internet, movies and TV with their large, high-resolution virtual screen.

torsdag 19 januari 2012


Today I play skating at Spånga Idrottplats with my friends. I can go much better now than before even I have to fall down several times. I hope I can learn more and more.

tisdag 17 januari 2012

city today

I didn’t go to Dagis.  Mamma and I went to the city, because she has something to do at the tax office. These are my pictures at the Medborgplatsen Stockholm.

torsdag 12 januari 2012

the best days on summer 2011, gotland (1)

Our holiday in Gotland of course is the most excited moment for our family in 2011. The island has really many beautiful places. One day we have journey to north part of the island. I tried to catch small fishes and shrimp among the coral, climbing the rock and playing among the raps field.

tisdag 10 januari 2012

fredag 6 januari 2012

the best days on spring 2011 (4) McDonalds. Adv

It was very fun day when I attended in McDonalds Adv…even we have to do many times for every scene that they made. It was a long job for only about 30 second adv. I have to do again and again my part, as a little girl with spilling ice cream on my dress.

 Look, how they made mistake, how´s it comes that ice cream still completely untouched but in the same time we could see that it supposed left only half because it had spilled on my dress.