måndag 23 juli 2012

picking blueberry

We planned to go to Furusund yesterday, to a little island, one island of many islands around Stockholm, precisely on the north side of it. Sunday was sunny but weather forecast said it will be rainy on Monday. But still we thought it will be fun if we could stay one night somewhere nearby water where Pappa fishing. So we packed everything to be ready to stay in the forest, camping’s things and food.

But the planned was changed as we could not stand with millions mosquitos there. We did something else instead. We went around at the local Tivoli, picking blueberry, fishing and played with water.

torsdag 19 juli 2012

Finally, after many rainy days we have chances to do picnic. Little bit too cold for being on the middle of summer, but at least no rain. We went to Mälaren lakeside, at the nearby Jakobsberg. We ate fish, bread, salad and watermelon. Many things I did, playing with sand, picking forest berry, swimming and collecting clamshell.

lördag 31 mars 2012

20120331 Earth's day

It was really a busy day in Kultur huset Stockholm. Spend some time at two libraries, training circus, and give a hug to my beloved panda.

fredag 2 mars 2012


Pappa brought me earlier today because mamma wants me to follow  to her university. It’s a bright and windy day; I could feel a scent of spring. One feel more light when grey colour of winter begin to move away.

fredag 10 februari 2012


This is Brunnos. He belongs to a little girl long time ago. But that girl has already grown up now, so she does not have time anymore to play with him. Brunnos came to myDagis and he feels happy playing with me and my friends.  Yesterday, Brunnos  followed me back home and he spent one night at my house. All the time I played and took care of him, because I know Brunnos afraid of the dark and didn’t want to be alone. This morning we went to Dagis together and of course I will tell to my teachers and friends about what we did yesterday. Brunnos probably will stay at another friend's house tonight.

This morning picture


Cool wind from Siberian still blowing, its mean days with snow still come. Every day we play with snow. Cool !! and absolutely really really cool!

onsdag 8 februari 2012


Alva had curly hair yesterday, so I told Mamma that I want it too. We try to find from internet how to make hair curly and we found that we could make it by using paper. Mamma washed my hair yesterday then she did the same like the girl on the video did. In the morning I got my hair has become curly, look ….:) love it…

söndag 5 februari 2012

still falling

Snow was covering surrounding our place when I woke up in the morning. Even it’s still falling right now. I was outside for about one hour played with Pappa. Children played with snow, but for us it’s better being at home. We live on seventh floor, which makes us easier to take some pictures around our home.

lördag 4 februari 2012

crystals snow

Very cold outside, -15 C grade. I am with Pappa right now in Stockholm city. We shall meet somebody who will sell his books for Mamma, kind of driving’s books. Everybody got influenza except Pappa. These, 2 pictures from January 2012, winter in Sweden, snow fall like sugar crystals.

http://www.vincea.se/ and bishoppublisher.se

fredag 3 februari 2012

one of my hobbies

I have a special hobby which is (I think?) I’ve got from my mom….yes ! I like climbing so much, the rocks, trees,…. You can see from some pictures above.

måndag 30 januari 2012

one day with mamma

I have been with Mamma all day. We went to the bank, to her university and played in McDonald’s. Little bit cooler outside as compare as last week, I don’t know whether I can play more with the snow this week because , I've felt the cold symptoms in my head.

söndag 29 januari 2012