fredag 30 december 2011

the best days on spring 2011 (2) Junibacken

One day on last spring I spent a whole day with mamma in Djurgården. We went to Junibacken where Pippi Långstrump lives, rooming around Slussen’s area where we could find many historic buildings and passing many posh parks.

torsdag 29 december 2011

Best days from spring 2011 (1)

When the flowers cherry were blooming that was the most beautiful moment of spring. Unfortunately that will be last within a few days then the ground would be covered by the pink color of the fallen cherry flowers.

the birds

It seems we will get a mild winter this time. The birds that are usually have flown to the south side of earth; still they stay where they usually live, at a little pond nearby my Dagis.

autumn 2011

spring 2011

december 2011

Gooooood morniiiing!

onsdag 28 december 2011


One of the most memorable moments in 2011 was when everybody in family was invited to Mamma’s graduation ceremony as Engineer from KTH Stockholm.
The event took place in Stadhuset Stockholm, precisely at Stadhuset’s blue room. Mamma looked so beautiful with her blue gown and of course very happy because she graduated in Stadhuset where the Nobel’s award is usually given. We listened to beautiful orchestra which is played along the ceremony. After the ceremony finish everybody went to the gold room to enjoy their delicious food. Look, that’s Sabina and me! We pretended that we gave speech on Nobel ceremony, who knows; maybe on the future the dream will be come true that we receive that prestigious award. Maybe also at the other times I'll tell you about the Stadhuset building.

måndag 26 december 2011

candies land

If you are wondering what is in my mind right now? I hope I can live in the candies land such as "Strawberry Lisa".

Storm last night

Last night storm Dagmar blew hard in almost throughout Sweden. I heard loud sound of the wind shook the glass of window. I woke up pretty early today. Get straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for mamma and pappa. Breakfast today consists of waffles, butter, orange, green tea and goat soup.

fredag 23 december 2011

stay at home

I was coloring Barbie this morning while I hear water crystal knocked my window.
Sabina is not here, I feel lazy to go to Dagis, so mamma let me stay at home today.

Stockholm NK's windows this year

torsdag 22 december 2011

Swimming in the winter

 Swimming in winter is very exciting. This is one of my favorite activity, especially if I could swim outdoors, swimming and playing with the snow around the pool as I did in Husbybadet yesterday.

lördag 10 december 2011

Nobel fest today!

Nobel fest today, in Stadhuset Stockholm!
The most interesting for me is the gowns worn by the guests at that event. The prizes awarded in two country, The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while the other prizes (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature) are awarded in Stockholm Sweden. Each recipient, or laureate, receives a gold medal, a diploma, and a sum of money which depends on the Nobel Foundation's income that year. In 2011, each prize was worth SEK 10 million (c. US$1.45 million, €1.15 million).